Tuesday, January 23, 2018

To Change or not to Change , That is the Question.

                   Happy and Blessed New Year!
Hope this post finds you all well.  When I started this blog one of my motivations for doing so was that I was turning 50 in a few months and writing a blog was one of my many goals. I wanted to be  "Fierce Fifty and Fabulous."  It was going to take some work.

About 6 months before my birthday I was reflecting on my life and I was unhappy with certain aspects of it.  As a result, I made some goals to exercise, lose weight and focus on my blessings, the positives in my life.  I am happy to say as I turned 50 early in the month, I was successful in meeting my goals though I am continuing to work on them and some others now as well.   I have established a new life style in which I eat better, exercise regularly and I am happier.
This is the time of year people make resolutions and goals and many people fail at keeping them for various reasons. One of these reasons being is that people don't like change.   We are very much creatures of habit.  Even if people are in a disagreeable situation there are many that  will choose to stay there rather then try to change things to make them better.

Change brings an uncomfortableness, an uneasiness that most shrink back from.  Therefore, many goals or resolutions go unfulfilled and to the wayside.

There is a difference between true suffering and simply not feeling comfortable.  If a goal you are pursuing is causing you great emotional, physical or mental pain then it might be time to reevaluate whether that goal is a healthy, valuable , one to have.

But assuming the goal you have made is a good, healthy and attainable one, expect to be uncomfortable as you try to you pursue it.  What should we do with this inevitable unease?  PUSH THROUGH!  It is the only way to get to the other side.  Tell yourself that this is only a temporary condition.  You aren't going to die.  And remind yourself of the benefits of the goal you are trying to achieve.  There is a pay off (I say sitting here, almost 30lbs. lighter!).

You can do it.  Make 2018 the best year ever!

1 comment:

  1. Great advice, and encouraging article -- "But assuming the goal you have made is a good, healthy and attainable one, expect to be uncomfortable as you try to you pursue it. What should we do with this inevitable unease? PUSH THROUGH! It is the only way to get to the other side." Thank you!
